This is how it works when you submit a valuation assignment
Modern & simple, that's how we want to explain our system when it comes to the online valuation.
Via our form you can easily submit pictures & information about your objects.
Contact us if you do not receive a response within 7 working days.
All valuations before the auction are completely free of charge for you as a customer.
If you live outside Umeå and want to sell via our quality auctions, we often have the opportunity to arrange transport of the items to our premises where Norrlands Auktionsverk covers the costs. Contact us to find out more.
We also organize trips around the whole of Sweden with our bus where we go and pick up items to Umeå free of charge, these dates are usually on the front page.

Gift cards!
Giving a gift always sounds easy in the mind, but when the big day approaches, you usually stand there empty-handed without any concrete ideas. In addition, you often make too high demands on yourself & forget that simplicity is usually best.
Take the easy way & give away a gift card at Norrlands Auktionsverk.
In addition to a very large selection of unique & beautiful things, the recipient also receives an exciting challenge in an auction.
Photograph your item. If there are stamps, signatures or labels, please photograph these as well. It facilitates a correct valuation. Also enter measurements and what you know about the object and we will get back to you.
Do you intend to submit multiple items? Send everything in the same request, please name the images clearly & number the text paragraph for each item.
Novelty! Now you can also upload your photos directly from your mobile phone directly to Auctionet's website.

Norrlands Auktionsverk AB becomes a partner with Auctionet!
We can finally proudly share the news that Norrlands Auktionsverk AB is linking its auction house to the auction portal
Among other things, this collaboration will lead to you as a seller being able to potentially reach over 900,000 registered active auction customers internationally and that the auctions will be run through the educational & state-of-the-art auction system with the associated app, which will give you a greater insight into the process both as a seller & buyer.
Through this collaboration, you as customers can expect faster response times & payout times, more items in stock and a more updated look in our showroom.
We will also, through this collaboration, start with ongoing auctions all the time throughout the year & with that said, completely stop our previous auctions which took place only once per month.
We internally think this journey will be incredibly exciting & we hope you customers feel the same.
We are sure that this decision will benefit both the sellers & the buyers and that we are eager to start showing our showroom with even more items on display which every day becomes completely unique & magnificent.
Our own website is under construction right now so we apologize that links & some texts do not work but we are working to be ready soon.
Fully completed submitted items will be published successively by Auctionet shortly , if your submitted item(s) has not been published, the matter has unfortunately not had time to be processed in the process due to all the rebuilding & restructuring we have undergone since the holidays.
You are not forgotten!
We are constantly working to get your items out to the world's auction eyes.
We carry out valuation / Valuations on, among other things, these types of objects:
Jewelry, Gold Jewelry, Diamonds, Artwork, Paintings, Sculptures, Bronze Sculptures, Ceramics, Porcelain, Furniture, Antique Furniture, Danish Furniture, Lamps & Lighting, Silverware, Sami Crafts & Sami Work, Sami Knives, Hand Knotted Oriental Rugs, Clocks, Pocket Watches & Wristwatches, Retro, Oriental crafts (From among others China, Russia, Japan and more), Glassware & Art glass, Crockery & Crockery Parts, Gold Coins, Silver Coins, Copper Coins & Medals, Antique Toys, Common Moges, American Cars, Mopeds, Motorcycles, Vintage & Fashion, Photographs & Photo Art , Lithographs, Woodcuts, Etchings & other graphic works, And more.